MeritCare Service LTD

Caregiving for children, elderly, and ill, or disabled family member is a demanding job and no one is equipped to do it alone. Finding Meritcare services can provide a vital break

MeritCare Service LTD

Caregiving for children, elderly, and ill, or disabled family member is a demanding job and no one is equipped to do it alone. Finding Meritcare services can provide a vital break

Our services will take care of your Child. Elder, and Sick ones.

Services designed to provide you with in-depth attentions to your love once

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care for children, we provided care service for your children in the comfort of your home while you the parents are at work or are absent.

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Put the days of absenteeism from work due to caregiving behind you. Allow us to take the stress of care off you.

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Care can take place in your own home, at day-care centers, or at residential or nursing facilities that offer overnight stays.

In-home care

we provide in house care, either occasionally as needed or on a regular basis. Services may last from a few hours to overnight, and may be arranged directly. This choice enables your loved one to remain in their own home while they continue to receive care, and can be invaluable for you as the primary caregiver.

Out-of-home care

Whether you’re caring for a child, an adult, or an elder, there is a range of private and public care services available depending on your location.

our service are designed for older adults who can no longer manage independently, or who are isolated and lonely.


Our expert care giver focuses on providing person-centred care; understanding exactly how each individual would like to be and needs to be cared for. Clinical and nursing support is available all day, every day. 

Our number one priority for residents living with complex care needs and dementia is to welcome, support, and embrace their ever-changing needs. We are committed to providing very specialist care, in the right environment, for people of all ages with complex neurological disorders. 

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Meritcare Service Ltd 14034252

31 Weavers Hill, Fullers Slade, Milton Keynes, England, MK112BL

Tender loving care is the best way to boost the person’s spirits. Keep in mind that he or she was once independent and now needs to depend on you for encouragement and assistance.

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